Tuesday, June 26, 2007


It doesn't seem to happen very often, Actually, I can count the times it's happened on one hand; A supporting act that manages to impress. Mostly I'm satisfied if I'm not bored/annoyed to death.
WorhtyNonsense convinced me to go see Under the Infuence of Giants in Ekko in Utrecht with him (see previous post). Opening for UioG was a local band called Kensington which I truthfully had no intention of seeing. We had a drink in the lounge before UioG started playing but the sounds coming from the stage lured me in. Some nice guitars, very tight drumming, beautiful harmonising and a fresh poppy sound. They combined two styles I haven't heard combined before. My first thought was “it's emo” but there was something off. No annoying screams, no whining teenage-angst and most importantly, it's totally danceable! When I asked them to describe their music they called it danceable emo which is as adequate a description as any. But they refined their description saying it's music ''to dance and cry at the same time to'', which admittedly sounds even cooler. Wednesday the 27th (also known as tommorrow) is their EP presentation show.

I imagine they'll put more songs on their myspace when their debut EP is out but for now you can listen to Man Mission Mayhem

Their music appears on Bram de Wijs' Stuckinaday label which also houses Bram's band Impossible Situations. They make fun electropop with very clever lyrics. Check the video for Easy to Fuck You, Harder to Trust You


david said...

Oh! Dit is leuk!

(Weet niet voor hoelang, maar..)

(Nu wel.)

Choquolage said...

Ik dacht meteen aan je! Ik wist wel dat je dit leuk zou vinden!

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

david said...

Jaja - en wacht maar tot je Yonderwell hoort!

Waarschijnlijn nooit, maar toch..

Choquolage said...

Rodrigo: Serves us right for the Dutch I guess. But I assume WorthyNonsense has some clue as to what you're talking about.

David: 'nooit' is overrated. 'nooit' is the new 'nu'!

WorthyNonsense said...

Rodrigo just wanted to persuade us to buy a T-shirt with personal imprint at his little online T-shirt multinational-to-be.
Personally I would like Rodrigo and his company to write us a little check to pay for the huge publicity he is getting here.

Choquolage said...

Well, this means we count, otherwise we wouldn't get spammed, right? So let's give Rodrigo a big thanks before we delete his 'comment'.

Barbara said...

They're going to perform at 'Dwergpop', in Driebergen, together with a lot of other new-and-not-so-new bands... May be worth going to (especially since you guys live, oh say, a 10 minute train ride away)! Since I myself can't go, I expect a nice review on this site. Just so you know.