Thursday, July 5, 2007

Summer in Leningrad

To continue what is now the official summer anthem thread, let me introduce you to Leningrad Cowboys, my personal Finnish saviour in the year of Jody Bernal's Que Si, Que No. For our foreign readers: never mind. The guy is now officialy harmless since he started his figure skating career in another Dutch 'Milking The Stars' TV format.

Anyways, back to Leningrad Cowboys. Happy Being Miserable was my summer anthem for the year 2000, and has been ever since. It has also been my first encounter with anything Finnish that is not metal, nor plays soccer. Enjoy and beware...

...for it is addictive. I'm afraid not even the Vengaboys-revival can help me let go of this enchanting piece of Scandinavian art. And as for the band's name, it's a creation of Finnish arthouse film director Aki Olavi Kaurismäki, Finland's very own Michael Moore. I can assure you it's completely PC to like this. Global warming before it got hijacked by Al Gore... Now let's hope he is not reading this and intending to use it during his Live Earth world wide energy gobbling music events!


Ruben said...

What can I say about it...maybe I have to see it in perspective, because Jody Bernal lowered some standards that summer, and maybe I have to enjoy the crappyness of that just can't, sorry :) But I have to hand it to you, it's quite original and...ehm...Finnish!

WorthyNonsense said...

"I was young and ignorant" (Please, let me get away with this one!)