Monday, July 9, 2007


Our manifesto says we're only deaf to the things we really don't wish to hear. This time however I'm talking about a case of pure ignorance. Being aware of the fact I'm undermining my so-called and freshly assumed status as a well-informed music journalist, I hereby declare that Larrikin Love have split up d.d. May 4th, 2007.

Patrick Wolf's subsidiary, de facto consisting of Edward Larrikin, George Orwell, Oscar Wilde and Arthur Rimbaud, were supposed to play Lowlands Festival last year, but decided not to show up. Rumours were spreading that there had been a conflict involving Orwell using the all-seeing eye to spy on Wilde while he was making sweet closeted love to Rimbaud... Let's call it 'pulling a George Michael Nixon après la lettre'.

With Patrick Wolf also calling it quits, this seems to bring an end to the mere erudite wing of London-based social criticists, which leaves us with only the Lily Allen's and Maccabees of this world. They're nice too I guess, but different.

Sometime in the near future I will fill you in about Patrick Wolf not retiring at all, according to a statement he himself made just three days before Larrikin Love made their objectionable decision. So then you'll be completely up to date.

Patrick Wolf and Edward Larrikin - Accident & Emergency (mp3)
Larrikin Love -
Happy As Annie (Patrick Wolf Remix) (mp3)

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