Thursday, October 4, 2007

New Buffalo has St. Vincent and St. Vincent has New Buffalo

I find myself listening to the lovely Sally Seltman, better known as New Buffalo a lot lately. Her latest album 'Somewhere, Anywhere' is a grower, it took me a while to really appreciate it. I wondered why I took that time but I guess the reason is that New Buffalo is a very welcome alternative to the angst, neuroticism and heaviness of most music. The music of Arcade Fire (check here october 6th), Interpol and The National for instance aren’t exactly easy listening. You could always throw in something happy like an Architecture in Helsinki, some New Pornographers or Bonde do Role but sometimes I need something a bit more subtle. New Buffalo seems to specialize in songs of contentment (for example in the song 'I've got you and you've got me (song of contentment)'), comfort, wonder and all around sweetness. You might be wondering what the point to this story is. Well, the point is that New Buffalo doesn't have to feel so alone anymore:

St. Vincent is Annie Clark and used to be in The Polyphonic Spree and in Sufjan Stevens' entourage (but then again, who wasn’t?). Although her music is a bit less subtle than New Buffalo's it breathes the same sweetness when she sighs “what me worry? I never do” or asks John: "marry me John, marry me John (I’ll be so good to you)". How could anyone deny such a lovely voice from such a lovely appearance? Okay, so I could but that has nothing to do with her (I'm going to marry either Elvis Costello or Nick Cave). From the lovely piano play to the ‘pom-pom-pom-pom’s to the handclaps to the lush strings and the modest lyrics, it’s all drenched in an incredible sweetness. Even when Paris is burning she’s dancing (albeit a ‘black waltz’).

Sounding a bit desperate: St. Vincent - Marry Me (mp3)

St. Vincent - Paris is Burning (myspace)

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